Minggu, 27 Agustus 2017

How To Save $300 Or More This Year On Bath And Body Products

Are you on the look out for some great bath and body tips? Wouldn't it be great to look and feel better and also save some money on all your skin care purchases?

We have a way for you to not only look and feel better, but to save some money too. Your bath and body skin care treatments are an important part of everyday health care, but we are going to share a way to get Spa-Quality products at a fraction of the cost you would pay for the same product at mall chain stores like Body and Bath."

How? Learn to make your own and without the messy mineral oil that's included in many store bought brands. Hey! Before you go away shaking your head about the thought of making your own products, it's easy and involves no cooking.

The truth is that many smart women are doing just that; handcrafting their own bath and beauty treatment products.

So, what can you make? You can learn to make just about any product you might use daily. The basic recipes are for body lotion, shampoo and conditioner, body oil, exfoliating scrub, body powder, bath salts, shower gel, and an alcohol-free body mist.

Once past the basics, the fun part is learning to play around and develop advanced skills like:

* Adding silk and shimmer

* Packing your products with super moisturizing power

* Designing your own fragrance blends with a beginner-friendly blending technique

* Recreating discontinued Bath and Body Works and Victoria's Secret products

* Getting started with natural essential oils and aromatherapy with a few simple blending recipes

A good reason for learning to make your own Spa-quality bath and beauty treatments is the cost savings. For example... let's consider Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy Sleep Shower Gel. In most instances the store price found in most major malls is $13.00 for 10 ounces or... an outrageous $166.40/gallon. Can you believe that?

If we make it ourselves using real essential oils of vanilla and lavender, your wholesale cost is going to be right around $17.90 for one ounce of lavender and an 1/2 ounce of vanilla. The other ingredients, a gallon of high-quality shower gel base (containing aloe juice extracts and witch hazel) might cost you $34.00 with shipping. So now you've created your own fine grade product for about $51.90 per gallon. That's a savings of approximately 77%!

Making your own products gives you a higher quality for lower cost, one of the major benefits of "making stuff." Even better is that once you have all the ingredients, whipping up a batch only takes about 5 minutes.

OK! You Say. But now you're thinking that you don't want a gallon of shower gel taking up room under your vanity. Here's the beauty of learning how to make your personal beauty products. Share them with you friends; give them as gifts. For you industrious types, there is the possibility of starting your own product line. The internet offers you the opportunity to market under your name and right from the comfort of your own home.

Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or simply a person who loves saving money, learning how to make your own high-quality personal beauty products is very satisfying. For more info on every aspect of learning the simple methods of making your own beauty products, we've put together an easy to follow 70 page guide... "How to Make Spa-Quality Bath and Beauty Products..." and be on your way to better looking skin and health.

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